Funny enough, it so happened that I’ve played in both the Witness 5 and now the 6 for the exact same amount of time. The only difference is I had the ability to switch it up with some indoor hoops with this one. With that, here’s my detailed indoor & outdoor LeBron Witness 6 review from a hooper, to a hooper.

I HIGHLY encourage you to delve deeper into some of these less expensive takedown models like those in Nikey’s LeBron Witness line, as most of ’em proved to be excellent performance sneakers for the money. They’re not exactly groundbreakers but they’re such good cost-effective shoes and the 6 looks to do more of that.

But did it succeed after the fantastic 4 & 5 models that I had such a good time with? Let’s break it all down.


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For those in a hurry: the LeBron Witness 6 from Nike might just look like a further improvement from last year’s model but it’s more than that. Mostly not in a good way.

It gave me a good fit for my wide feet since the toebox is fairly roomy, as well as solid traction with deep groves capable of lasting a long time, even for outdoors.

The open mesh & nylon build is about what we’d come to expect in the current era of performance footwear, and this upper performed well after a short break-in period.

The problems started the moment I began playing a more intense match close to full pace.

The lateral portion of the shoe’s Air Max cushion is exposed, causing it to overcompress upon a more akward foot plant and make the shoe roll outwards.

This is a pretty serious issue as I actually rolled my ankle twice due to this. I haven’t rolled my ankle for a full 2 years up until this point.

This is why it’s tough to recommend this one to anyone who’s a hooper.

It could’ve been a very decent shoe but now, all that’s left is a pretty silhuette for casual wear, an option quick shootarounds with your pals, or if you’re a linear-dominant player that doesn’t play at a high pace, you might just be able to get away with it.

Fan of the Witness series? The 4th and the 5th shoe are still your top options at the moment.


How’s the sizing situation and are these comfortable? Anything else to know fit-wise?

LeBron Witness 6 Review: Top
image source: (White/Persian Violet/Yellow Strike/Black)